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Cielo MedSolutions’ Company Blog

"Welcome to our company blog. Within these blog posts, we hope to share our insights on clinical quality management, the patient-centered medical home, chronic disease management in primary care, evidence-based medicine, and the use of technology in ambulatory care settings."

- David Morin, CEO and Donald Nease Jr., MD, Chief Medical Officer

Thursday, July 22, 2010


As we now know, meaningful use will require the use of either ICD-9 or SNOMED-CT for coding problem lists.  As our customers know, there is a limit to the value of using ICD-9 coding for disease management (see these prior blog posts).  Therefore, Cielo Clinic utilizes the ICPC classification system in addition to ICD-9 and ICD-10 coding, integrated into the ENCODE thesaurus, to provide the flexibility and specificity needed by care providers.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation have announced that work is now underway to harmonize WHO classifications (this includes ICPC) with SNOMED-CT.    This is great news for those using ICPC, including Cielo Clinic users.   The value of ICPC can be preserved for disease management while allowing it to exist in a "meaningful use" world.

Dave Morin
Co-Founder and CEO
Cielo MedSolutions LLC

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