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Cielo MedSolutions’ Company Blog

"Welcome to our company blog. Within these blog posts, we hope to share our insights on clinical quality management, the patient-centered medical home, chronic disease management in primary care, evidence-based medicine, and the use of technology in ambulatory care settings."

- David Morin, CEO and Donald Nease Jr., MD, Chief Medical Officer

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Three great questions

Last week I was on a call with one of our sales team. The call was with a major healthcare organization, who I won’t name but suffice it to say you would recognize them not only by name, but also by their having an extremely large EHR installation.

Up front our sales guy asked why they were interested in talking with Cielo, leaving unsaid the obvious point that they are big EHR users. What came back was remarkable:

  • We’re asking ourselves some questions...
    • How does or could a registry fit into our care process?
    • Does or would this have value for our physicians?
    • Could we roll up the data from our various practices and what value would that have?
What was remarkable was what was missing, namely the technical types of details like: do you interface with XYZ, can you do reporting for ABC, etc. Instead this group was squarely focused on how a registry might positively impact care delivery, improve the work of their clinicians and provide the ability to look at data across the organization.

While we could certainly argue about the details, I think that if a product like ours can’t provide those features, you should move on to another option. These sound exactly like the principles we had in mind when we started building Cielo.

It’s great to hear insightful questions from the marketplace, especially from such a large organization. It makes me hopeful about where we are headed in general with health information technology, and it validates what we’re trying to do here at Cielo.

Don Nease, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Cielo MedSolutions, LLC
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