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Cielo MedSolutions’ Company Blog

"Welcome to our company blog. Within these blog posts, we hope to share our insights on clinical quality management, the patient-centered medical home, chronic disease management in primary care, evidence-based medicine, and the use of technology in ambulatory care settings."

- David Morin, CEO and Donald Nease Jr., MD, Chief Medical Officer

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Medical Home in Action

If you are looking for some great examples of a high-performing patient-centered medical home implementation, the University of Michigan Health System Department of Family Medicine has published a few slide shows and articles on their implementation and their outcomes to-date.  I mentioned one of these pieces in a prior blog post, but we get so many requests for examples I wanted to share it again, along with a new piece.  Lots of great detail in both of them.

Article: Patient-Centered Medical Home

Slide Show: From Philosophy to Reality: Making our House a Home

Dave Morin
CEO and Co-Founder
Cielo MedSolutions LLC


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