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Cielo MedSolutions’ Company Blog

"Welcome to our company blog. Within these blog posts, we hope to share our insights on clinical quality management, the patient-centered medical home, chronic disease management in primary care, evidence-based medicine, and the use of technology in ambulatory care settings."

- David Morin, CEO and Donald Nease Jr., MD, Chief Medical Officer

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What Diseases do you Support?

A question we get asked a lot is "what diseases do you support?". The answer is : virtually all. This is the beauty of a table-driven rules engine (our rules engine is the technology that manages all the clinical guidelines you follow. Based on a patient's information, it generates reminders for their due services). All you do is fill out a web form; put in the diagnoses, co-morbid diagnoses or clinical indicators you want to build the guideline rule around and, voila, the guideline is in your system, ready to use. You can set a whole host of other attributes around the guideline, but again, you are just filling out a form. No programmer necessary!

Any disease management system that requires a programmer to "create the rule" is one that won't scale and will require dollars for support of that programmer each time a change is needed. "Next-generation" disease management systems are built with table-driven rules engines.

Dave Morin
CEO and Co-Founder
Cielo MedSolutions

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Personal Health Records and Actionable Data

Just read the executive summary of a great paper on the personal health record (iPHR) market written by Chilmark Research entitled "iPHR Market Report, Analysis and Trends of Internet-based Personal Health Records' Market". On page 1-13, the author notes that "iPHRs that serve simply as an online filing system for medical records will become irrelevant"1 and "adoption and ultimately ROI of iPHR solutions will be highly dependent on the ability of a given solution to deliver actionable information to the consumer promoting changes in behavior(s) that reduce health risk(s)."2

This fits nicely with our beliefs; a passive system that simply collects information is of limited use in healthcare. Technology must support the ability to drive positive change in the quality of care provided and must provide actionable data to help drive this change. Whether its in a clinical quality management system like Cielo Clinic or in a personal health record solution, this is a key attribute.

1, 2 Chilmark Research, "iPHR Market Report, Analysis and Trends of Internet-based Personal Health Records' Market", May 2008, pg. 1-13

Dave Morin
CEO and Co-Founder
Cielo MedSolutions

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