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Cielo MedSolutions’ Company Blog

"Welcome to our company blog. Within these blog posts, we hope to share our insights on clinical quality management, the patient-centered medical home, chronic disease management in primary care, evidence-based medicine, and the use of technology in ambulatory care settings."

- David Morin, CEO and Donald Nease Jr., MD, Chief Medical Officer

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

It's all about the team!

Those of you who have followed Cielo know our emphasis on not just providing excellent software to support primary care but also our deep belief that quality care is a team sport. That's why I'm so excited about our new partnership with TransforMED.

TransforMED ( is a company that is linked closely to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and efforts on the part of the specialty of Family Medicine to reform primary care practice along a team-based model of care. TransforMED began its work with a 2 year National Demonstration Project (NDP) during which it worked closely with practices across the country in an effort to both assist them in practice transformation, but to also learn from them what works. This work reaffirmed much of what is in the literature about primary care practices being complex systems, and needing a team approach. TransforMED is taking the lessons learned from the NDP to practices that are seeking to implement the Patient Centered Medical Home model endorsed by AAFP and other primary care specialty organizations.

Cielo's new business partnership with TransforMED affirms the common goals of our organizations to transform primary care practice around a new model of care with technology that is designed to support that new model.

Donald E. Nease, Jr, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Cielo MedSolutions, LLC

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