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Cielo MedSolutions’ Company Blog

"Welcome to our company blog. Within these blog posts, we hope to share our insights on clinical quality management, the patient-centered medical home, chronic disease management in primary care, evidence-based medicine, and the use of technology in ambulatory care settings."

- David Morin, CEO and Donald Nease Jr., MD, Chief Medical Officer

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Power of Simplicity in Health Information Technology

If you haven't yet seen it, check out the Flip Video Camcorder. There an incredible amount of buzz surrounding the product yet it is one of the simpliest camcorders on the market.

Read "Simplicity: What’s Next in Business Software", a recent editorial on The author argues that the new winners in the software market will focus on keeping their products focused and very ease-to-use and resist the temptation to add so many features they become virtually unnavigable.

Your cell phone now has more computing power than many of the first commercial computers. As such, your cell phone has a host of features that have nothing to do with calling someone. How many of these features do you really use? You probably use, 95% of the time, just the very basics - calling people and maybe texting them.

Why is it then that we think health care software needs to be feature-bloated to be the "right one"? Isn't a simple solution, targeted to the exact needs of a practice, truly the best? I've seen so many software evaluations that focus on how many features a product has, features that we know most users will never use, it concerns me that sight has been lost about why a software solution is needed in the first place.

Aren't our jobs complex enough that we don't need software to add to the complexity?

Quit worrying about "features" per se - worry about the problem you need to solve, worry about how quickly the product can be adopted by your practice, worry about investing in something that can easily carry you forward into the unknown future.

You will find the software answer to these questions is a product that is very focused, very easy to use and very malable.

The Flip camcorder has probably just 10% of the features of the newest, whiz-bang camcorders from the major vendors. It's inexpensive but not the cheapest.

I just searched "camcorder" on and sorted by "bestsellers" - the top 5 bestsellers were all Flip camcorders.


Dave Morin
Cielo MedSolutions

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