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Cielo MedSolutions’ Company Blog

"Welcome to our company blog. Within these blog posts, we hope to share our insights on clinical quality management, the patient-centered medical home, chronic disease management in primary care, evidence-based medicine, and the use of technology in ambulatory care settings."

- David Morin, CEO and Donald Nease Jr., MD, Chief Medical Officer

Monday, February 18, 2008

Your Choice: "Shelfware"... or a Long-Term Partnership?

Admit it. We’ve all done it: purchased software licenses, whether for our workplace or for our own use, only to find, a year or two down the road, that we really never used it. If there was a user manual or disc, it ended up sitting on the shelf collecting dust –- earning this entire category of promising-at-first-but-never-used software packages the dreaded but apt moniker “shelfware.”

Although Cielo MedSolutions ( is relatively young, I’ve personally been in the software business longer than the kid who runs Facebook has been alive – whoa… now that’s weird – and I’ve not only seen lots of shelfware, but, to my dismay, quite a few shelfware VENDORS. It’s sad, but there are entire companies out there (and so, so many that have come and gone) who don’t particularly care what happens to the customer after she or he cuts the check and takes delivery of the software.

When you purchase Cielo products, you get so much more than just software (or, in our case, SaaS, software-as-a-service). You get a long-term relationship with a world-class healthcare IT partner.

We are committed to understanding your healthcare information technology challenges.

We are committed to staying on top of the myriad information-related challenges confronting the world of clinical care -- whether they be new clinical guidelines, new quality reporting initiatives, pay-for-performance or other reimbursement-related reporting challenges, or public scorecarding -- and to partner with our healthcare provider customers by delivering SaaS solutions that genuinely help them to simplify and make sense of it all.

We are committed to delivering Saas offerings to our provider customers that fit their clinical workflow, are easy to learn and use, and actually help them practice quality medicine.

We are committed to delivering Saas offerings to our provider customers that have a rapid financial payback and a high return-on-investment (ROI) -- something even your CFO or CPA can love!

We are committed to delivering hands-on user orientation and training, first-rate service, professional post-sales support and frequent software updates.

And, it goes without saying: We are committed to delivering ultra-reliant, HIPAA-compliant data-hosting and network delivery.

So, which sounds more appealing: shelfware, or a long-term partnership?

Jim Price
Chairman & Cofounder
Cielo MedSolutions
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